WordPress doesn’t need any introduction, it is one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) that powerups 27% of the internet. The total number of websites is estimated to be 172 million. Some of the top 100 websites in the world chose WordPress as their CMS including CNN, Techcrunch, TED, etc. The most popular e-commerce software for WordPress runs 39% of all online stores.

If you have installed WordPress as your website’s CMS, you may some times experience difficulty in updating or deleting old posts. Sometimes, you may want to upgrade the post with the latest news or tips or wants to change the featured image. When clicking the update button, you may notice that ‘post cannot be updated’ warning. So, you decided to duplicate the post and want to delete the original one. Again, you may be stuck with another problem, the post cannot be deleted. It is still there in the posts list, just by changing the end portion of the permanent link URL to ‘_trashed’. Then how to delete such junk posts.

Force delete Posts Plugin
This plugin really helps you to delete posts directly from the ‘Posts section’. In the top menu, you can see a delete button next to every post in the ‘Posts Lists’ page. This lightweight plugin adds a ‘Force Delete Icon’ to the ‘Post List” for pages, posts, and all custom post types.

You can use custom programming code to do the task, just enter a few lines of code into a file and drop it into the plugin directory and visit your website admin link with post ID to delete, like this, “yourwebsite.com/wp-admin/?delete_post=POSTID”. You can see the code in StackExchange.

Some times you want to find and delete duplicate posts from your WordPress website, and want to delete bulk posts. There are some plugins to help you to delete duplicate copies and deleting bulk posts.

WP Delete Post Copies
You can use this plugin to search for duplicate posts by title or content. You can filter by category and can permanently delete them with images or send them to the trash in manual mode or automatically with WordPress cron feature.

You can delete posts, pages, comments, attachments, users, taxonomy terms and meta fields as a bulk with different filters and conditions using the WP Bulk Delete plugin.


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